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Reconnecting Humans To Earth

Earthing Mat

Earthing Mat

What is Earthing ?

Beneath our feet lies the Earth, nature’s best gift to us already equipped with extraordinary healing power. Earthing also called Grounding is the simple process of connecting humans to the earth that helps balance our bodies at the deepest levels and heal us from within.

Why is
Earthing Necessary ?

The earth always maintains a slightly negative charge and anything around us that uses electricity is grounded to maintain its electrical stability and prevent fires. Our body, even though we don’t realize it, uses electricity to send signals throughout our body. With changing lifestyles, we now use shoes instead of walking barefoot and sleep on mattresses instead of the ground. These changes have slowly disconnected our human body from this natural ability to ground the excess electricity in our body, leading to ailments not previously known to humans

Why Use
Earthing Products ?

Earthing products like the Earthing Mat mimics the electric charge of the earth in the comfort of your home. With our current lifestyles, it is hard to walk barefoot outdoors so these products allow us to reap the benefits of Earthing in the comfort of our homes without having to make lifestyle changes.

Benefits of Earthing

Improves Sleep Patterns

Woman Sleeping

Reduces Stress


Reduces Anxiety


Reduces Depression

reduce depression

Normalizes Heart Rate

and Blood Pressure

blood pressure

Accelerates Muscle Recovery after Exercise or Muscle Damage

muscle damage

Improves Nervous System by Increasing Blood Flow

Blood Flow

Reduced Body Inflammation

and Muscle Pain

muscle pain

Improves Immune System

immune system

Naturally Improves

Mood and Energy


Helps to Cure Eczema


Helps to Cure Pigmentation


Helps with Anti-Aging

Anti Aging
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